Monday, August 17, 2009

GW Address Fail

I was changing my address online for school today when I discovered something mildly hilarious: among the many nations individuals can claim as their home country, "U.S.S.R." remains an option. Nice work, GW. Way to make our comrades feel at home.

Combine Obamasocialism (kidding, I love the dude) with this and things are getting a bit red around here. Hey, I'm not complaining. I'll be first in the bread line (mmmmm, carbs).

PS: Speaking of fails, I was washing my hands in a restaurant in Adams Morgan yesterday when I read the following words on the wall: "Please wash your hands...this sign brought to you by the District of Columbia Department of Heath." I don't know you, Heath, but damn it I respect you.

1 comment:

saisai said...

lolcats needs moar blogs plz kthx bai.