Friday, October 31, 2008

I <3 Corporations

So, as I typically do, I stumbled in late and groggy to my 9:55 Corporations class this morning. Instead of the usual monotonous discussion of fiduciary duties, agency, and mergers, we're doing prediction markets for corporate governance. You're thinking, what the hell is that and why is that better than the usual class?

Basically, my professor is doing research in this area and we're doing an exercise to illustrate how it works by applying it to this election. The classroom has turned into the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, with people buying and selling $100 shares of Obama's presidency, voter turnout percentages, the winner of the Al Franken Senate race, and number of GOP Senate seats.

If Obama wins, my $100 shares are worth their $100. If he loses, they're worth as much as Al Gore's beard. So far I've dumped all my voter turnout stock (they're worth something if turnout is over 60%) because, let's face it, Americans are lazy. I've bought up stock on Al Franken losing and the GOP winning more than 40 Senate seats. I'm holding onto my Barry stock because Barry's a winner.

We'll see what happens. Oh, and my prof is teaching the class with a Wizard hat on. Such a badass.

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